Dotmatics Event

Digital Transformation without Scientific Disruption

September 14, 2023
The Ivy City Garden Dashwood House, 69 Old Broad St England

Join Vice President and Global Head of Science and Technology, Alister Campbell and your industry peers for conversation on R&D Innovation and networking at The Ivy City Garden.

Here's what you can expect

  • Discussion on saving time and accelerating research with the new GraphPad Prism Integration 

  • Insight on leveraging digital technologies to overcome industry challenges and thrive in today's environment

  • Connection with peers, thought leaders, and experts to discuss best practices and emerging trends in R&D

Enjoy off the record conversation, libations - Save your spot and Discover Dotmatics. 

Places are limited, so register now to experience the art of the possible.

Event Details
The Ivy City Garden Dashwood House, 69 Old Broad St England