Dotmatics SLAS2023 Resources

What is Dotmatics?

Dotmatics is the global leader in R&D scientific software that connects science, data, and decision-making. Combining a workflow and data platform with best-of-breed applications, we offer the first true end-to-end solutions for biology, chemistry, formulations, data management, flow cytometry, and more.

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Download: Overview of Dotmatics

Prism by Dotmatics

Prism Integration: Templated Export of Dotmatics Data into Prism

Watch Dotmatics + Prism in action, so you can see first-hand how the integration would accelerate your research and expand your visualization and analysis capabilities.

Overview: The GraphPad Prism Solution

Learn how you can achieve enhanced analysis and visualization for your scientific research with GraphPad Prism.

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Download: The GraphPad Prism Solution

Download Solution Resources at SLAS 2023

Biologics Discovery

eBook: Optimizing Biologics Discovery

The pressure to innovate in biologics discovery is extraordinarily high. In our eBook, you will learn how to overcome this pressure with modern solutions to improve access to novel therapies.

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Download: Optimizing Biologic Discovery

Small Molecule Discovery

Overview: Dotmatics Small Molecule Discovery Solution

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Download: Small Molecule Discovery Solution

Demo: Small Molecule Discovery in Dotmatics

eBook: Optimizing Small Molecule Discovery

With rising pressure to do more with less, companies need to adopt processes and technologies that will help them drive innovation while controlling costs.

In this eBook, learn how to address common challenges in small molecule drug discovery so you can ensure data is trustworthy and traceable, improve productivity and collaboration, speed up research, and reduce technical debt and total cost of ownership.

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Download: Optimizing Small Molecule Discovery

Webinar: 3 Key Considerations When Implementing AI in Drug Discovery

In this webinar, we discuss three keys to implementing AI in drug discovery. Successfully implementing AI in drug discovery requires: reasonable expectations, clean data, and collaboration.

See Dotmatics in Action

Fill out the form below to request a free demonstration of Dotmatics. By talking to an expert, you can discover how a unified solution can address your specific needs.

Get a Demo of Dotmatics at SLAS Europe