Welcoming Paul von Autenried as a Dotmatics Board Advisor


I’m happy to share that Paul von Autenried is joining our efforts at Dotmatics as an advisor to our Board of Directors and executive team. Those who know Paul are keenly aware of the tremendous executive experience and insights in life sciences that he’ll bring to our team. 

We know that the work of scientific discovery is demanding; it is exacting. And while we’re happy that you, our customers, are using some of our tools to assist in that work, we want to be an even better partner. We have so much work ahead of us to connect these tools in a way that better supports your journey as our customers. We’re thrilled to have Paul’s insights as he acts as an advisor and sounding board for long-term plans and strategies. 

Paul is an experienced board member and CEO advisor, with four decades of experience leveraging information technology and digital innovation to drive superior performance in the high-tech, biopharmaceutical, healthcare, manufacturing, and consumer goods industries. 

Paul spent much of his career at Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) where he served as the CIO and member of the executive committee, with accountability to the CEO and audit committee. He is an active member of the Board of Directors at Quickbase and a member of the Board of Trustees for PennMedicine Princeton Healthcare System.  He is also a board advisor to several other software companies, including SafeGuard Cyber and Intelepeer.

Paul shared the following with me: “In my time at BMS as CIO, it was important to find technology partners that could scale and innovate with our business.  I am excited to work with Dotmatics and see tremendous potential for them to be that partner to life sciences companies on their digital transformation journey.”

Paul holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and a master's degree in computer science from Stevens Institute of Technology. He has also completed the Program for Management Development at Harvard Business School and the Program for Leadership Development at IMD in Switzerland. 

Welcome to Dotmatics, Paul!


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